(250) 319-6554

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(250) 319-6554

Exhaust Fan Grease Interceptor

The SRS Interceptor is a new concept in grease removal.  It is truly one of a kind.
SRS Interceptor 008
This roof has had grease building up on the flat, gravel covered surface, for years.  The SRS Interceptor would have saved this roof.  Not only does the Interceptor capture grease and allow rain water to escape, it also doubles as an extraction unit during scheduled cleaning intervals.  Instead of the grease filled water landing on the roof and dissapearing under the gravel, it is directed off the roof and disposed of properly, saving both the environment and your roof.

SRS Interceptor 008

This roof has a low spot around the kitchen exhaust fans.  Grease had been damaging the flat roof for years.
Problem solved with SRS Interceptors!!